Our Mission

The Women‘s Club of Lake Jovita is an organization of women that serves the Lake Jovita, Dade City and its surrounding communities, providing charitable giving, direct community service, and social opportunities for its members.

The Lake Jovita Women’s Club was founded in 2007 by the following ladies:

Mary Ann Kelleher, Connie Franz, Holly Bath, Suzanne Bauzys, Deb Cartwright, JJ Caudle, Jane Dunwoodie, Elizabeth (BB) Lairscey, Judy Pharis , Marsha Russo, Betty Sneed, Alma Whitt, and Gloria Wetjen

Click on the pictures below to enlarge your view of what our founding members did in 2007!

Extraordinary Experiences

WCLJ promotes a sense of community by establishing meaningful relationships with members. The Club provides unique activities and events that offer camaraderie, support for charities, education, information and entertainment.

Our Core Values

  • Compassion
  • Hospitality
  • Relationship
  • Outreach to those in need
  • Respect for diversity
  • Empowering with dignity
  • Promoting unity

History of Executive Boards Members


President Sharon Borland
Vice President Kathy Gillam
Secretary Candice Simmons
Treasurer Teresa Overbeck


President Susie Heiler
Vice President Sharon Borland
Secretary Sharon Willment
Treasurer Teresa Overbeck


President Mary Jones
Vice President Judi McGuinness
Secretary Basia Watts
Treasurer Debbie Milton


President Ann Swinford
Vice President Linda Inslee
Secretary Ruth Beatty
Treasurer Marilyn DiNoia / Shelia Schulz


President Kim DeLisle
Vice President Peggy Prather
Secretary Diana Esposito-Bingman
Treasurer Nina White




President Ann Swinford
Vice President Judy Marks
Secretary Susan Schalk
Treasurer Shelia Schulz


President JJ  Caudle
Vice President Kit Ingalls
Secretary Ann Swinford
Treasurer Sandy Gebing


President JJ Caudle
Vice President Mary Ann Kelleher
Secretary Ann Swinford
Treasurer Gloria Wetjen / Sandy Gebing


President Judy Hanson
Vice President JJ Caudle
Secretary Joan Tassillo
Treasurer Jane Dunwoodie


President Connie Franz / Judy Hanson
Vice President Judy Hanson / Judy Pharis / JJ Caudle
Secretary Joan Tassillo
Treasurer Jane Dunwoodie